How to Virtual Organize Your Social Network
by Pierre Coupet
This is an excerpt of a white paper I just published which is receiving rave reviews worldwide:
Now that you've built a huge network of contacts on your favorite social networks, where do you go from here? What kind of returns, economic or otherwise, are you looking to obtain--or should be able to generate--from your huge investment of time, effort, and resources in developing these contacts and how do you go about it?
The simple answer is, "Virtual Organize It!" However, that being said, very few of us understand the meaning of the words, "virtual organize." So without any further ado, here is our official definition of "virtual organize": to organize using virtual organization management best-next practices, policies and procedures for operating in an environment that has no physical boundaries.
Warning: it is a combination of time-consuming, hard, smart and highly rewarding work. So if you are not ready for the task, then virtual organizing your network may not be such a good idea. On the other hand, if you are ready for the challenge and the rewards that come with it, then let us proceed full steam ahead.
So how do you go about virtual organizing your social network?
Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, you need to start out by asking yourself these most basic and fundamental questions:
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